Raising Prayerful, Visionary, and Powerful Global Kingdom addicts who are rooted in scripture, filled with the Holy Spirit, and doing exploits in all facets of life with proofs.

Building a Competent and Committed team of leaders to engage in the rigorous demands of ministry as articulated in 1 above.

Creating a Kingdom Mindset in members as ministers/leaders/catalysts/entrepreneurs for impact in every space in society.

Equip members and engage them to win souls for the kingdom with measurable outcomes.

Identify, Develop and Deploy each member’s gift in Kingdom Business.

Create and sustain an atmosphere of welcome, love, miracles and celebration to all worshipers in all programs.

 Follow-up on all first-time worshippers by all members of the worshipping community within the first three days.

 Love, celebrate and care for the members by leadership and fellow members as invaluable treasures.

Love, respect, celebrate and care for the leadership by members and leaders as God’s Oracles and invaluable treasures.

 Create and sustain a strong internet presence through the website, zoom, social media platforms, radio, tv, etc

Engage in outreaches, evangelistic campaigns, awareness campaigns, and community interventions

Rigorously follow up on all souls that have been won until they are sustained in the faith and Koinonia community within the first three weeks of their conversion.

Set up worship centers.

Engage in entrepreneurial initiatives through education (schools), publishing, investments, etc