Koinonia Ministries holds at its core the concept of the Kingdom of God as an indispensable
ideology, value system and the modus operandi in engaging the saints and seekers in all
facets of life. We are called by God to live in the consciousness of the Kingdom of God as an
pervading move of God in the world through global evangelization. Koinonia Ministries (aka K
Ministries) is a prophetic and apostolic ministry with a mandate to preach the Good News of
Our Lord Jesus Christ to all nations; to set the captives free and to influence the socio-political
and economic systems of the world with the values, culture and government of the Kingdom
of God.
We are passionate about winning souls, discipling the nations and setting the captives free
through the teaching of the word of God through every possible avenue. We consider it a great
privilege to be called to serve the King of kings and to bring into His Kingdom the souls and
systems for whose sake His Son so loved, gave his life for, was raised from the dead and
glorified. Koinonia Ministries is a registered and tax-exempt entity in the United States of
America and is currently based in the same, with a membership drawn from the US and
various parts of Africa and the Caribbean.
To preach the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ to every nation and race, through every possible channel, for the purpose of winning souls, discipline the nations, ministering healing and deliverance, setting the captives free and raising a people for Kingdom exploits. Matthew 10:7,8 “As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons.”
Preaching the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to every nation and race to set the captives free, and to impact the socio-political and economic systems of the world with the values, culture and government of the kingdom of God with a sense of urgency through the following strategies: - Koinonia Worship Services through in-person and virtual meets (Sundays, Wednesdays, etc)
- Opening of Koinonia Branches in the US, and beyond
- Social Media presence (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc)
- Leadership Dev. Conferences, Retreats & Annual Conferences
- Mass Media (Radio, TV Ministries)
- Literature Publication and Distribution
- Mass Evangelism (Revival Services, Crusades, Tent meetings, Breakfast Meetings, Music Concerts, etc)
- Person to Person Evangelism and Tract Distribution (Begin from your family & circle of influence to the community)
“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another”
“For the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit”. (Jn. 13:35; Rom. 14:17)
• Love for the Lord and Total Obedience to the Word of God
• Love for the Brethren & Total Loyalty to the Family of Faith
• Total Commitment to the Vision, Mission, Values & Priorities
• Love, Respect and Obedience to Leadership
• Serving Diligently & Sacrificially in Excellence & Harmony