Buttons with any icon
Icon variations
Choose any sizes
Choose any color
Icons with inverted color
1250 Icon Types
| IE | | IcoMoon | | accessibility |
| accessibility1 | | address-book | | aid |
| airplane | | airplane1 | | alarm |
| alarm1 | | anchor | | android |
| angry | | angry1 | | apple |
| apple-fruit | | archive | | arrow |
| arrow-down | | arrow-down-left | | arrow-down-left1 |
| arrow-down-left2 | | arrow-down-left3 | | arrow-down-left4 |
| arrow-down-right | | arrow-down-right1 | | arrow-down-right2 |
| arrow-down-right3 | | arrow-down-right4 | | arrow-down1 |
| arrow-down10 | | arrow-down2 | | arrow-down3 |
| arrow-down4 | | arrow-down5 | | arrow-down6 |
| arrow-down7 | | arrow-down8 | | arrow-down9 |
| arrow-first | | arrow-left | | arrow-left1 |
| arrow-left10 | | arrow-left2 | | arrow-left3 |
| arrow-left4 | | arrow-left5 | | arrow-left6 |
| arrow-left7 | | arrow-left8 | | arrow-left9 |
| arrow-right | | arrow-right1 | | arrow-right10 |
| arrow-right11 | | arrow-right2 | | arrow-right3 |
| arrow-right4 | | arrow-right5 | | arrow-right6 |
| arrow-right7 | | arrow-right8 | | arrow-right9 |
| arrow-up | | arrow-up-left | | arrow-up-left1 |
| arrow-up-left2 | | arrow-up-left3 | | arrow-up-left4 |
| arrow-up-right | | arrow-up-right1 | | arrow-up-right2 |
| arrow-up-right3 | | arrow-up-right4 | | arrow-up1 |
| arrow-up10 | | arrow-up2 | | arrow-up3 |
| arrow-up4 | | arrow-up5 | | arrow-up6 |
| arrow-up7 | | arrow-up8 | | arrow-up9 |
| arrow1 | | arrow2 | | arrow3 |
| attachment | | attachment1 | | backspace |
| backspace1 | | backspace2 | | backward |
| backward1 | | balance | | balloon |
| barcode | | barcode1 | | bars |
| bars1 | | bars2 | | basket |
| basket1 | | bed | | bed1 |
| bell | | binoculars | | bishop |
| blocked | | blog | | blogger |
| blogger1 | | boat | | bold |
| book | | book1 | | bookmark |
| bookmark1 | | bookmark2 | | bookmarks |
| books | | bottle | | bottle1 |
| box-add | | box-remove | | briefcase |
| briefcase1 | | briefcase2 | | brightness-contrast |
| brightness-high | | brightness-low | | brightness-medium |
| bubble | | bubble-blocked | | bubble-cancel |
| bubble-check | | bubble-dots | | bubble-dots1 |
| bubble-down | | bubble-first | | bubble-forward |
| bubble-forward1 | | bubble-heart | | bubble-last |
| bubble-left | | bubble-link | | bubble-locked |
| bubble-minus | | bubble-notification | | bubble-notification1 |
| bubble-paperclip | | bubble-plus | | bubble-quote |
| bubble-replu | | bubble-reply | | bubble-right |
| bubble-star | | bubble-trash | | bubble-up |
| bubble-user | | bubble-video-chat | | bubble1 |
| bubble2 | | bubble3 | | bubble4 |
| bubble5 | | bubbles | | bubbles1 |
| bubbles2 | | bubbles3 | | bubbles4 |
| bubbles5 | | bug | | bug1 |
| bullhorn | | bus | | busy |
| busy1 | | busy2 | | cabinet |
| cake | | calculate | | calculate1 |
| calendar | | calendar1 | | calendar2 |
| calendar3 | | call-incoming | | call-outgoing |
| camera | | camera1 | | camera2 |
| camera3 | | camera4 | | camera5 |
| camera6 | | cancel | | cancel-circle |
| cancel-circle1 | | car | | cart |
| cart-add | | cart-checkout | | cart-minus |
| cart-plus | | cart-remove | | cart-remove1 |
| cart1 | | cart2 | | cart3 |
| cart4 | | cc | | certificate |
| checkbox-checked | | checkbox-partial | | checkbox-unchecked |
| checkmark | | checkmark-circle | | checkmark-circle1 |
| checkmark1 | | checkmark2 | | checkmark3 |
| chrome | | clear-formatting | | clipboard |
| clock | | clock1 | | clock2 |
| clock3 | | close | | cloud |
| cloud-download | | cloud-upload | | clubs |
| code | | cog | | cog1 |
| cog2 | | cog3 | | cogs |
| coin | | command | | compass |
| compass1 | | cone | | confused |
| confused1 | | connection | | connection1 |
| console | | construction | | contact-add |
| contact-add1 | | contact-remove | | contact-remove1 |
| contract | | contract1 | | contrast |
| cool | | cool1 | | copy |
| copy1 | | copy2 | | copy3 |
| credit | | crop | | crown |
| css3 | | cube | | cube1 |
| cursor | | cursor1 | | dashboard |
| database | | database1 | | delicious |
| deviantart | | deviantart1 | | diamond |
| diamonds | | dice | | direction |
| disk | | download | | download1 |
| download2 | | download3 | | download4 |
| drawer | | drawer1 | | drawer2 |
| dribbble | | dribbble1 | | dribbble2 |
| droplet | | droplet1 | | dumbbell |
| earth | | eject | | embed |
| enter | | enter1 | | enter2 |
| enter3 | | enter4 | | envelop |
| envelop1 | | equalizer | | equalizer1 |
| equalizer2 | | esc | | evil |
| evil1 | | exit | | exit1 |
| exit2 | | exit3 | | expand |
| expand1 | | eye | | eye-blocked |
| eye-blocked1 | | eye1 | | eye2 |
| eye3 | | eye4 | | eye5 |
| eye6 | | eyedropper | | |
| facebook1 | | facebook2 | | factory |
| fan | | feed | | feed1 |
| feed2 | | feed3 | | female |
| file | | file-check | | file-css |
| file-download | | file-excel | | file-minus |
| file-openoffice | | file-pdf | | file-plus |
| file-powerpoint | | file-remove | | file-upload |
| file-word | | file-xml | | file-zip |
| file1 | | file2 | | file3 |
| file4 | | file5 | | file6 |
| film | | film1 | | film2 |
| filter | | filter1 | | filter2 |
| filter3 | | finder | | fire |
| firefox | | first | | flag |
| flag1 | | flag2 | | flag3 |
| flattr | | flickr | | flickr1 |
| flickr2 | | flickr3 | | flip |
| flip1 | | flower | | folder |
| folder-download | | folder-download1 | | folder-minus |
| folder-minus1 | | folder-minus2 | | folder-open |
| folder-open1 | | folder-plus | | folder-plus1 |
| folder-plus2 | | folder-remove | | folder-upload |
| folder-upload1 | | folder1 | | folder2 |
| folder8 | | font | | font-size |
| food | | food1 | | forrst |
| forrst1 | | forward | | forward1 |
| forward2 | | foursquare | | foursquare1 |
| gas-pump | | gift | | github |
| github1 | | github2 | | github3 |
| github4 | | glass | | glass1 |
| glasses | | glasses1 | | glasses2 |
| globe | | globe1 | | |
| google-drive | | googleplus | | googleplus1 |
| googleplus2 | | googleplus3 | | grid |
| grid1 | | grid2 | | grid3 |
| grin | | grin1 | | gun |
| gun-ban | | hammer | | hammer1 |
| hanger | | happy | | happy1 |
| headphones | | headphones1 | | heart |
| heart-broken | | heart-broken1 | | heart-broken2 |
| heart1 | | heart2 | | heart3 |
| heart4 | | heart5 | | history |
| home | | home1 | | home2 |
| home3 | | home4 | | home5 |
| home6 | | html5 | | html51 |
| image | | image1 | | image2 |
| image3 | | image4 | | images |
| indent-decrease | | indent-increase | | info |
| info1 | | inject | | insert-template |
| | italic | | joomla | |
| key | | key1 | | keyboard |
| king | | knight | | lab |
| ladder | | lamp | | lamp1 |
| lamp2 | | lanyrd | | laptop |
| last | | lastfm | | lastfm1 |
| leaf | | left-to-right | | library |
| libreoffice | | lightning | | link |
| link1 | | link2 | | link3 |
| link4 | | link5 | | |
| list | | list1 | | location |
| location1 | | location2 | | location3 |
| lock | | lock1 | | lock2 |
| loop | | loop1 | | loop2 |
| loop3 | | loop4 | | magnet |
| | mail-send | | mail1 | |
| mail2 | | mail3 | | male |
| man | | map | | map1 |
| map2 | | marker | | medal |
| medal1 | | medal2 | | medal3 |
| medal4 | | megaphone | | menu |
| menu1 | | menu2 | | menu3 |
| menu4 | | meter | | meter-fast |
| meter-medium | | meter-slow | | meter2 |
| mic | | mic1 | | mic2 |
| mic3 | | minus | | minus-circle |
| minus-circle1 | | mobile | | mobile1 |
| moon | | mouse | | mouse1 |
| move | | movie | | movie1 |
| mug | | music | | music1 |
| music2 | | nbsp | | neutral |
| neutral1 | | new | | newspaper |
| newtab | | newtab1 | | next |
| notebook | | notification | | numbered-list |
| office | | omega | | opera |
| pacman | | page-break | | page-break1 |
| pagebreak | | paint-format | | paperplane |
| paragraph-center | | paragraph-center1 | | paragraph-justify |
| paragraph-justify1 | | paragraph-left | | paragraph-left1 |
| paragraph-right | | paragraph-right1 | | paste |
| paste1 | | paste2 | | patch |
| pause | | pause1 | | paw |
| pawn | | paypal | | paypal1 |
| paypal2 | | peace | | pen |
| pen1 | | pen2 | | pencil |
| pencil1 | | pencil2 | | pencil3 |
| people | | phone | | phone-hang-up |
| phone-hang-up1 | | phone1 | | phone2 |
| phone3 | | phone4 | | piano |
| picassa | | picassa1 | | pie |
| pie1 | | pie2 | | pie3 |
| pilcrow | | | pinterest1 | |
| play | | play1 | | play2 |
| playlist | | plus | | plus-circle |
| plus-circle1 | | podcast | | podium |
| point-down | | point-left | | point-right |
| point-up | | popout | | power |
| power1 | | powercord | | previous |
| | print1 | | profile | |
| pushpin | | puzzle | | puzzle1 |
| puzzle2 | | puzzle3 | | pyramid |
| qrcode | | queen | | question |
| question1 | | question2 | | question3 |
| question4 | | quill | | quill1 |
| quotes-left | | quotes-right | | quotes-right1 |
| quotes-right2 | | radio | | radio-checked |
| radio-unchecked | | rating | | rating1 |
| rating2 | | | redo | |
| redo1 | | remove | | remove1 |
| remove2 | | remove3 | | remove4 |
| reply | | reply1 | | right-to-left |
| road | | rock | | rocket |
| rotate | | rotate1 | | rulers |
| sad | | sad1 | | safari |
| scissors | | scissors1 | | screen |
| screen1 | | search | | search1 |
| search2 | | settings | | share |
| share1 | | share2 | | shield |
| shield1 | | shocked | | shocked1 |
| shuffle | | shuffle1 | | sigma |
| signup | | skull | | skull1 |
| skype | | smiley | | smiley1 |
| sort | | sort1 | | soundcloud |
| soundcloud1 | | spades | | spam |
| spell-check | | spinner | | spinner1 |
| spinner2 | | spinner3 | | spinner4 |
| spinner5 | | spinner6 | | spinner7 |
| stack | | stackoverflow | | star |
| star1 | | star2 | | star3 |
| star4 | | star5 | | stats |
| stats-down | | stats-up | | stats1 |
| stats2 | | steam | | steam1 |
| steps | | stop | | stop1 |
| stopwatch | | storage | | storage1 |
| strikethrough | | stumbleupon | | stumbleupon1 |
| subscript | | subscript1 | | sun |
| sun1 | | sunglasses | | superscript |
| superscript1 | | support | | switch |
| tab | | table | | table1 |
| tablet | | tag | | tag1 |
| tag2 | | tag3 | | tag4 |
| tags | | tags1 | | target |
| target1 | | target2 | | text-color |
| text-height | | text-width | | thumbs-down |
| thumbs-down1 | | thumbs-up | | thumbs-up1 |
| thumbs-up2 | | thumbs-up3 | | ticket |
| tongue | | tongue1 | | tools |
| transmission | | transmission1 | | tree |
| tree1 | | tree2 | | trophy |
| trophy-star | | trophy1 | | truck |
| tumblr | | tumblr1 | | tux |
| tv | | | twitter1 | |
| twitter2 | | umbrella | | underline |
| undo | | undo1 | | unlocked |
| unlocked1 | | upload | | upload1 |
| upload2 | | upload3 | | upload4 |
| user | | user-block | | user-block1 |
| user-cancel | | user-cancel1 | | user-minus |
| user-minus1 | | user-minus2 | | user-plus |
| user-plus1 | | user-plus2 | | user1 |
| user2 | | user3 | | users |
| users1 | | vcard | | vector |
| vimeo | | vimeo1 | | vimeo2 |
| volume-decrease | | volume-decrease1 | | volume-high |
| volume-high1 | | volume-increase | | volume-increase1 |
| volume-low | | volume-low1 | | volume-medium |
| volume-medium1 | | volume-mute | | volume-mute1 |
| volume-mute2 | | volume-mute3 | | volume-mute4 |
| volume-mute5 | | volume0 | | volume1 |
| volume2 | | volume3 | | volume4 |
| volume5 | | wand | | wand1 |
| warning | | watch | | wave |
| wave1 | | weather-lightning | | weather-rain |
| weather-snow | | windows | | windows8 |
| windy | | wink | | wink1 |
| woman | | wondering | | wondering1 |
| wordpress | | wordpress1 | | wrench |
| wrench1 | | | xing1 | |
| yahoo | | yelp | | yin-yang |
| youtube | | youtube1 | | zoomin |
| zoomin1 | | zoomout | | zoomout1 |
| theme-a | | theme-action-redo | | theme-action-undo |
| theme-anchor | | theme-angle-bottom | | theme-angle-left |
| theme-angle-right | | theme-angle-top | | theme-arrow-down |
| theme-arrow-left | | theme-arrow-left2 | | theme-arrow-left22 |
| theme-arrow-left3 | | theme-arrow-right | | theme-arrow-right2 |
| theme-arrow-right22 | | theme-arrow-right3 | | theme-arrow-up |
| theme-audio | | theme-badge | | theme-bag |
| theme-ban | | theme-bar-chart | | theme-bars |
| theme-basket | | theme-basket-loaded | | theme-bell |
| theme-book-open | | theme-bookmark | | theme-briefcase |
| theme-brush | | theme-bubble | | theme-bubbles |
| theme-bulb | | theme-calculator | | theme-calendar |
| theme-call-end | | theme-call-in | | theme-call-out |
| theme-camcorder | | theme-camera | | theme-camera2 |
| theme-cellphone | | theme-check | | theme-checkbox-unchecked |
| theme-checkmark | | theme-chemistry | | theme-circle-book |
| theme-circle-pencil | | theme-circle-pulse | | theme-circle-tablet |
| theme-circle-user | | theme-clock | | theme-close |
| theme-cloud-download | | theme-cloud-upload | | theme-comment |
| theme-comment2 | | theme-comments | | theme-compass |
| theme-control-end | | theme-control-forward | | theme-control-pause |
| theme-control-play | | theme-control-rewind | | theme-control-start |
| theme-credit-card | | theme-crop | | theme-cup |
| theme-cursor | | theme-cursor-move | | theme-diamond |
| theme-direction | | theme-directions | | theme-disc |
| theme-dislike | | theme-doc | | theme-docs |
| theme-drawer | | theme-drop | | theme-earphones |
| theme-earphones-alt | | theme-emoticon-smile | | theme-energy |
| theme-envelope | | theme-envelope-letter | | theme-envelope-open |
| theme-equalizer | | theme-eye | | theme-eye2 |
| theme-eyeglasses | | theme-facebook | | theme-facebook-outline |
| theme-feed | | theme-film | | theme-fire |
| theme-flag | | theme-flickr-outline | | theme-folder |
| theme-folder-alt | | theme-font | | theme-frame |
| theme-gallery | | theme-game-controller | | theme-ghost |
| theme-globe | | theme-globe-alt | | theme-graduation |
| theme-graph | | theme-grid | | theme-handbag |
| theme-heart | | theme-heart2 | | theme-home |
| theme-home2 | | theme-home3 | | theme-hourglass |
| theme-info | | theme-ink-tool | | theme-key |
| theme-layers | | theme-libreoffice | | theme-libreoffice2 |
| theme-lightning | | theme-like | | theme-like2 |
| theme-like3 | | theme-line-vertical | | theme-link |
| theme-list | | theme-lock | | theme-lock-open |
| theme-lock2 | | theme-login | | theme-logout |
| theme-loop | | theme-magic-wand | | theme-magnet |
| theme-magnifier | | theme-magnifier-add | | theme-magnifier-remove |
| theme-mail | | theme-map | | theme-map2 |
| theme-microphone | | theme-minus | | theme-mouse |
| theme-moustache | | theme-music-tone | | theme-music-tone-alt |
| theme-next | | theme-next2 | | theme-note |
| theme-notebook | | theme-paper-clip | | theme-paper-plane |
| theme-pencil | | theme-pencil2 | | theme-phone |
| theme-phone-outline | | theme-picture | | theme-pie-chart |
| theme-pin | | theme-plane | | theme-play |
| theme-play2 | | theme-playlist | | theme-plus |
| theme-plus2 | | theme-pointer | | theme-power |
| theme-present | | theme-previous | | theme-print |
| theme-printer | | theme-puzzle | | theme-question |
| theme-quote | | theme-quote-flag | | theme-radio-unchecked |
| theme-read-more | | theme-refresh | | theme-reload |
| theme-rocket | | theme-screen-desktop | | theme-screen-smartphone |
| theme-screen-tablet | | theme-search | | theme-search2 |
| theme-settings | | theme-share | | theme-share-alt |
| theme-share2 | | theme-shield | | theme-shuffle |
| theme-size-actual | | theme-size-fullscreen | | theme-social-dribbble |
| theme-social-dropbox | | theme-social-facebook | | theme-social-tumblr |
| theme-social-twitter | | theme-social-youtube | | theme-speech |
| theme-speedometer | | theme-star | | theme-support |
| theme-symbol-female | | theme-symbol-male | | theme-tablet |
| theme-tag | | theme-tag2 | | theme-tag3 |
| theme-target | | theme-trash | | theme-triangle-right |
| theme-trophy | | theme-twitter | | theme-twitter-outline |
| theme-twitterbird | | theme-umbrella | | theme-user |
| theme-user-female | | theme-user-follow | | theme-user-following |
| theme-user-unfollow | | theme-users | | theme-vector |
| theme-video | | theme-vimeo-outline | | theme-volume-1 |
| theme-volume-2 | | theme-volume-off | | theme-wallet |
| theme-wrench | | theme-x | | custom-aperture |